Songtext Übersetzung

Bedeutung von „The Gift“

Überprüft von Sunny
am 10. September 2023
☝️ Das Wichtigste in Kürze
  • The song describes a deep and meaningful connection between two people.
  • It emphasizes the lasting impact this connection has on the narrator's life.
  • The lyrics highlight the importance of cherishing and valuing such connections.
  • The song touches on the challenges of finding truth and facing lies in life.
  • It suggests that the search for meaning and purpose is a universal human experience.


in life is to find something meaningful, something that will last forever. In the song The Gift by Garth Brooks, the lyrics describe a deep connection between two people and the impact they have on each other's lives.

The song begins by highlighting the beauty and perfection of the relationship, with the line "Oh so fine, we were trying, out of nowhere, just in time." It suggests that this connection was unexpected but arrived at the perfect moment.

The lyrics then talk about how the other person has taken the narrator on a journey, "deep down the river," and has brought about significant changes in their life. The line "kiss the changes that shape my life" implies that this person has influenced and transformed the narrator's life for the better.

Despite the ups and downs of life, the lyrics emphasize the importance of the gift that this person has given. The line "the gift you gave is gonna last forever" suggests that the impact of their connection is enduring and will continue to shape the narrator's life.

The lyrics also touch on the idea that finding the truth and facing the lies in life can be challenging. However, the narrator knows what is truly important to them, stating "rise and fall but I know what's mine."

The song ends by acknowledging that questioning the meaning of life and the promises we find is not unique to the narrator. They say, "I'm not the first one to ask why, all we ever try." This suggests that the search for meaning and purpose is a universal human experience.

Overall, "The Gift" by Garth Brooks explores the profound impact of a meaningful connection between two people and the lasting effect it can have on one's life. It highlights the importance of cherishing such connections and finding meaning in the midst of life's challenges.
Teile Deine Gedanken
Eure Meinungen und Gedanken sind der Schlüssel, um die Musik zum Leben zu erwecken. Der Song "The Gift" ist mehr als nur Melodie und Text - er ist ein Gefühl, eine Geschichte, eine Erfahrung. Eure Interpretationen verleihen ihm Tiefe und Bedeutung.
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Garth Brooks - The Gift
Quelle: Youtube
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