
Bedeutung von „Draußen ist es wirklich heiß“

Überprüft von Maria
am 7. September 2023
☝️ Das Wichtigste in Kürze
  • The song explores the fear and desire to explore the outside world.
  • Staying inside is seen as safe and protective, while going outside is portrayed as risky and challenging.
  • The lyrics suggest that going outside can lead to losing innocence, facing hardships, and feeling lonely.
  • The chorus emphasizes that outside is where life truly happens and where one can experience the intensity and excitement of living.
  • The song encourages taking risks, stepping into the unknown, and embracing both the joys and sorrows that come with it.


in simple words, the song Draußen ist es wirklich heiß by Peter Maffay is about the fear and desire to explore the outside world. The lyrics suggest that staying inside and avoiding the unknown can provide a sense of safety and protection. The singer warns against going outside, as it can lead to losing innocence, facing hardships, and feeling lonely. However, the chorus suggests that outside is where life truly happens and where one can experience the intensity and excitement of living. The lyrics encourage taking risks, stepping into the unknown, and embracing both the joys and sorrows that come with it. The repeated phrase "Draußen ist es wirklich heiß" emphasizes the idea that outside is where the real action is, where one can truly understand what it means to live. Overall, the song serves as a reminder that while staying inside may provide comfort and security, it is in venturing out into the world that one can fully experience the richness of life.
Teile Deine Gedanken
Eure Meinungen und Gedanken sind der Schlüssel, um die Musik zum Leben zu erwecken. Der Song "Draußen ist es wirklich heiß" ist mehr als nur Melodie und Text - er ist ein Gefühl, eine Geschichte, eine Erfahrung. Eure Interpretationen verleihen ihm Tiefe und Bedeutung.
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Peter Maffay - Draußen ist es wirklich heiß
Quelle: Youtube
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